Single Sign On

  • Alexandro Martínez
    by Alexandro Martínez
    1.7 years ago
  • SaasRock supports the following Single Sign On providers. Every provider will require some custom setup.


    More information around setting GitHub applications can be found here.

    1. Create GitHub application

    Recommended is to create a separate application for every environment you are working in (e.g. local, staging, production).

    1. Create a new application here. The callback URL should be set to https://{your domain}/oauth/github/callback.

    2. Set the GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID environment variable with the Client ID from the just created application.

    3. Set the GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable with the Client Secret from the just created application (This secret has to be generated in the GitHub application first).

    4. Go to{your app}/permissions and add the following Account permission: Email address (Read-only).

    5. Set the enabled to true under the GitHub authMethods in /app/utils/db/appConfiguration.db.server.ts.

    6. Done! Try registering with GitHub now.

    I hope this quick guide was useful! Let me know if you have any questions.

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