Customize Landing Page

  • Alexandro MartΓ­nez
    by Alexandro MartΓ­nez
    2 years ago
  • Goals:

    • Update the Header

    • Update the Hero

    • Update the Feature Images

    • Update the Testimonials

    • Update the Features

    • Update the Footer

    Landing Page Structure

    The landing page is defined at the app/routes/index.tsx route file.

    <div className="relative space-y-16 overflow-hidden bg-white text-gray-800 dark:bg-gray-900 dark:text-slate-200">
      <Hero socialProof={data.socialProof} />
      <LogoClouds />
      <FeatureImages />
      <Testimonials items={data.testimonials} socialProof={data.socialProof} />
      <Features />
      <FooterBlock />


    On every marketing/front page, you need to add the app/components/front/Header.tsx component to define your navigation structure.

    πŸ’Ώ Open the Header component file and add a new navigation item:

    const links: NavbarItemDto[] = [
        { path: "/", title: t("front.navbar.product") },
        { path: "/pricing", title: t("front.navbar.pricing") },
        { path: "/docs", title: "Docs", className: "" },
        { path: "/blog", title: "Blog", className: "hidden xl:block" },
    +    {
    +      title: "My navbar item",
    +      items: [
    +        { path: "/my-path-1", title: "Title 1", description: "Description 1" },
    +        { path: "/my-path-2", title: "Title 2", description: "Description 2" },
    +        { path: "/my-path-3", title: "Title 3", description: "Description 3" },
    +      ],
    +    },

    This will create a Flyout navbar item:

    Flyout item


    The Hero component uses translations.

    πŸ’Ώ Open the public/locales/en/translations.json file, and replace Easily Build Your Own SaaS to My new hero headline (which is the front.hero.headline1 i18n key).


    Feature Images

    The component FeatureImages lets you showcase your product.

    πŸ’Ώ Open the app/components/front/FeatureImages.tsx file and add a new feature:

    const featureImages = [
    +  {
    +    group: "My Feature Group",
    +    title: "Feature title",
    +    route: "/feature-route",
    +    src: "",
    +  },
    Feature images


    There are 2 main objectives with this section:

    • Social proof

    • Quote current customers

    For social proof, I actually use the GitHub API (at the app/utils/integrations/githubService.ts file) to get the current private repository members: used by X developers.

    And quotes are hard-coded at the app/utils/services/marketingService.ts file, with the getTestimonials function.

    Each testimonial has:

    • Company Name, URL, and Logo (light and dark mode)

    • Name, Avatar, Role, and their Twitter or personal website.

    • The Quote



    πŸ’Ώ Open the app/components/front/Features.tsx component and add a new section with 4 features.

    const groups = [
    +  {
    +    headline: "New section",
    +    subheadline: "Lorem",
    +    description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut...",
    +    items: [
    +      {
    +        name: "My feature 1",
    +        description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...",
    +      },
    +      {
    +        name: "My feature 2",
    +        description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...",
    +      },
    +      {
    +        name: "My feature 3",
    +        description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...",
    +      },
    +      {
    +        name: "My feature 4",
    +        description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...",
    +      },
    +    ],
    +  },


    Finally, we'll add an item to the footer.

    πŸ’Ώ Open the app/components/front/Footer.tsx component and add a link to the Blog.

    const navigation = {
      features1: [
    +    { name: "Blog", href: "/blog" },

    I hope this quick guide was useful! Let me know if you have any questions.

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