Lee las últimas noticias de la plantilla para aplicaciones SaaS con Remix.
I'm excited to announce the release of SaasRock v0.8, which introduces several powerful new features, including a Page Block builder, Notifications using Novu, and a built-in Onboarding builder.
Page blocks allow you to easily customize the design of the front pages (Landing, Pricing, Blog, Blog Post, Contact, Newsletter, Changelog...).
I made an open-source version of this, but with SaasRock it's 10x more powerful.
Watch video demo here: https://www.loom.com/share/aabfac5c4fb94e2698e459fa4a01f948
If ?editMode=true
is set, you can iterate with your landing page design. Once you're happy you can Download Blocks and override it on the app/modules/pageBlocks/utils/defaultPages/defaultLandingPage.ts file.
Each block has its own Form, where you basically have:
To create custom blocks, watch the following video: https://www.loom.com/share/24d744b78f1848f7aa3f4191b55974d4
SaasRock v0.8 also introduces the ability to send in-app notifications to users using Novu, an open-source notification infrastructure. Novu integrates with several providers, including Twilio, Slack, Mailgun, and Postmark.
Watch video demo here: https://www.loom.com/share/8ffc0a8c2b594923a117d8306263e17c
I've created a few channels that listen to some events by default:
To create custom notifications, watch the following video: https://www.loom.com/share/4feae0449d4d4bae814c4fb22f0da6db
Create a tour for your users with custom filters & steps (Enterprise-only).
Watch video demo here: https://www.loom.com/share/8acb58a663a8472d91d8a9b22c190c8e
In the filters section, we can specify which users should see the onboarding. This is useful if we only want to show the onboarding to certain users, such as admin users or users in a specific role.
Onboarding steps can have 1 or more:
In conclusion, SaasRock is slowly becoming a true SaaS-building framework.
Let me know what you'd like to see in v0.9!
This blog post was mostly generated with ChatGPT