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June 3, 2023

SaasRock Update - Autogenerated API docs, Code generator, View Manager, Row Hooks, and more

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SaasRock Update - Autogenerated API docs, Code generator, View Manager, Row Hooks, and more

May was focused on a ton of improvements (mainly for the ​Entity Builder​):

  • Autogenerated API Docs with Swagger (OpenAPI) and Postman
  • Code Generator support for new types (Multi-select, Range-number...)
  • ⭐ New Entity View Manager at /admin/entities/views
  • ⭐ New Subscriptions page at /admin/accounts/subscriptions
  • Row Hooks: Added functions to customize your BL (onBeforeGetAll, onBeforeEdit, onAfterEdit...)

And other minor fixes:

  • 🔨 Yes-Code: Multi-select missing in generated files #304
  • 🔨 Multi-select attribute not added to Yes-Code Helper #302
  • 🔨 Row Form Number Input cannot clear #303
  • 🔨 Footer Block needs translations #272
  • 🔨 Edit entity gives the wrong path... #268
  • 🔨 ActionResultModal no way to set title #264


What's Next?

I've said this many times, but hopefully this month I can pull any of these:

  • Knowledge Base (intercom-like help center, ​preview​)
  • Help Desk - Enterprise 🚀 _(accounts submit tickets)
  • Affiliates & Referrals - Enterprise 🚀 (create affiliate links to track signups/commissions)

Let me know what you think of these improvements on the ​Discord server​!

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